
The Science Behind Pyrilutamide: How It Works for Hair Loss

The Science Behind Pyrilutamide: How It Works for Hair Loss

Hair loss is more common than you might think, and it's not just about losing strands here and there. If you're losing over 100 hairs a day, that's considered hair loss. There's a small difference between losing hair and normal shedding, where it's okay to lose 50 to 100 hairs daily.

Here's a surprising fact: 85% of men and 33% of women will deal with hair loss at some point. For men, about 95% of cases are due to something called male pattern baldness. And it can start early – a quarter of guys losing hair begin before they even turn twenty-one.

Genetics play a massive role; it's the cause for 95% of male hair loss. But it's not the only factor. Diet, stress, lifestyle, and illness can also join in. In the UK, there's a condition called Alopecia Areata, affecting two out of every 1,000 people, causing bald patches on different body parts.

If you're in the Western world, particularly Spain, Italy, or France, you might find that male hair loss is pretty common there. But hair loss isn't just a physical thing; it can impact relationships and careers. Surprisingly, 40% of women with alopecia have faced issues in their marriages, and 63% say it affects their work.

As women enter the post-menopause phase, more than half may experience hair thinning, and stress becomes a real troublemaker. Women leading stressful lives are 11 times more likely to face hair loss.

But here's where it gets interesting – Pyrilutamide. It's a potential solution we're going to explore and understand how it might help in the battle against hair loss.

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The Roots of Hair Loss

Hair loss isn't a rare problem. In fact, it affects a significant number of people globally. As mentioned earlier, more than 85% of men and a third of women will grapple with some form of hair loss during their lifetime. The daily struggle of losing hair can be emotionally challenging, and the numbers tell us it's a shared experience for many.

Common Causes of Hair Loss

Several factors contribute to hair loss. Genetics, as highlighted by male pattern baldness, is a major player, affecting almost all men dealing with hair loss. Other factors include changes in hormones, diet, stress, lifestyle choices, and illness. Each person's experience is unique. So it is important to identify the specific causes for effective treatment.

Existing Solutions and Their Limitations

From topical treatments to oral medications, the options are diverse. However, these solutions come with their own set of limitations. Some may show limited effectiveness, while others could lead to unwanted side effects. It's a delicate balance between finding something that works and navigating potential drawbacks.

Origins of Pyrilutamide

Pyrilutamide came from meticulous scientific exploration. Initially developed for a different purpose, its potential in treating hair loss became evident through keen observation and dedicated research. The story of Pyrilutamide's transformation from a different avenue of study to a prospective solution for hair loss is one of scientific curiosity and discovery.

Specific studies have explored its impact on hair follicles, hormonal balance, or other key factors contributing to the problem. These scientific breakthroughs paved the way for Pyrilutamide to be considered not just as a compound with a primary purpose but as a potential game-changer in the field of hair loss treatment.

What Pyrilutamide Exactly Is?

Pyrilutamide, also known as KX-826, is a new type of medicine that you apply on the skin to treat hair loss caused by hormones. The company making it is Kintor Pharmaceutical Limited, and they're known for creating new treatments for conditions related to specific hormones, like hair loss, acne, and certain cancers.

Right now, Pyrilutamide is being tested in experiments with people to make sure it works well and is safe. If everything goes as planned, it might become more widely available and approved by the FDA, which is the organization that makes sure medicines are safe and effective.

Currently, there aren't many good options for people with hair loss, especially for a condition called androgenetic alopecia. Only two medicines, minoxidil (you put it on your skin) and finasteride (you take it as a pill), are approved by the FDA for men. For women, only minoxidil is approved. But these medicines have some downsides and can cause side effects. There's also a procedure called hair transplantation, but it can be quite expensive.

There's another medicine called clascoterone 7.5% solution (also known as Breezula) that works similarly to Pyrilutamide, and it's being tested too. So, researchers are trying to find new and better options to help people with hair loss.

Mechanism of Action

Pyrilutamide's efficacy in addressing hair loss lies in its intricate molecular interactions within the body. To comprehend its mechanism of action, let's break it down into simpler terms.

Hair loss often lies in sensitivity to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone derived from testosterone. In genetically predisposed individuals, DHT can shrink hair follicles, shorten their growth phase and lead to thinner, shorter strands.

Pyrilutamide intervenes in this process by inhibiting the action of 5-alpha-reductase, an enzyme responsible for converting testosterone into DHT. Think of it as a regulatory gatekeeper—Pyrilutamide restricts the amount of DHT produced to maintain a healthier balance.

Moreover, Pyrilutamide may also exert anti-inflammatory effects on the scalp. Inflammation can contribute to hair loss by disrupting the normal hair growth cycle. By calming inflammation, Pyrilutamide supports a more conducive environment for hair follicles to thrive.

The way Pyrilutamide works is by blocking the androgen receptor, which is a bit different from other medicines like finasteride and dutasteride that block dihydrotestosterone (DHT). 

It is different from other common treatments like finasteride and dutasteride, which are 5-alpha reductase inhibitors. These inhibitors work by stopping the conversion of testosterone to DHT by inhibiting the enzyme 5-alpha reductase.

Pyrilutamide is a topical anti-androgen, and the clinical trials conducted so far indicate that it doesn't decrease systemic androgen levels. This suggests it's unlikely to cause certain side effects seen in people using oral 5-alpha reductase inhibitors, such as decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, and depression.

However, these findings are based on the company's clinical trials, and more research is needed once Pyrilutamide is available in the market. It could be further studied for its safety and effectiveness and compared with topical finasteride. With its unique way of working and safety features, Pyrilutamide has the potential to become another FDA-approved drug, providing a valuable addition to the available treatments for androgenetic alopecia.

Pyrilutamide Clinical Trials 

As of the current update in July 2023, Kintor Pharmaceutical is actively engaged in two ongoing clinical trials involving Pyrilutamide. The first trial is a phase III clinical trial being conducted in China, evaluating the effectiveness of Pyrilutamide in treating male androgenetic alopecia. The second trial is also in phase III and is focused on assessing the long-term safety of Pyrilutamide as a treatment for androgenetic alopecia in both men and women.

In the past, Kintor has successfully completed a phase II clinical trial in China, specifically targeting women with androgenetic alopecia. Another phase II trial in China was conducted for men with androgenetic alopecia, and a separate phase II clinical trial took place in the USA, specifically for men with the same condition.

Additionally, Kintor is actively exploring the potential use of Pyrilutamide as a treatment for acne. Clinical trials for acne treatment are currently underway in China, and there are plans to initiate clinical trials for this indication in the USA in the near future.

woman inside laboratory

The Success of the Chinese Phase 2 Trial

In September 2021, Kintor announced the success of the Chinese phase II clinical trial for Pyrilutamide in treating men with androgenic alopecia. While the results have not been formally published in scientific journals, they are available on Kintor's website, internal presentations, and conference materials.

The trial involved 120 Chinese men with moderate hair loss symptoms, categorized as Norwood-Hamilton classification IIIv, IV, or V. The study tested three different application options of Pyrilutamide, each with different concentrations, along with two control groups. 

The options included Pyrilutamide 2.5 milligrams (0.25% concentration) applied twice daily, Pyrilutamide 5 milligrams (0.5% concentration) applied once daily, and Pyrilutamide 5 milligrams (0.5% concentration) applied twice daily.

According to the available information, the best results were observed when applying 5 milligrams of Pyrilutamide twice a day. After 24 weeks of treatment, this regimen led to a notable increase in hair growth, with a reported rise of 22.73 hairs per cm². In comparison, the placebo group's hair count increased by 15.34 hairs per cm² when using the twice-daily 0.5% concentration of Pyrilutamide.

Subsequent press releases from Kintor have highlighted positive outcomes from other trials as well, including a female phase II Pyrilutamide clinical trial and a male pattern hair loss phase II trial conducted in the United States.

Comparison with Existing Treatments

When comparing Pyrilutamide against other popular hair loss treatments, particularly in terms of effectiveness, it's essential to consider how each approach addresses the underlying causes of hair loss.

Pyrilutamide vs. Minoxidil:

  • Effectiveness: Minoxidil is a vasodilator that increases blood flow to the scalp, promoting hair growth. While it has demonstrated efficacy, its focus is more on stimulating existing follicles rather than addressing hormonal imbalances. Pyrilutamide, in contrast, targets the root cause by inhibiting the production of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), potentially offering a more direct and comprehensive approach to hair loss.

Pyrilutamide vs. Finasteride:

  • Effectiveness: Finasteride inhibits 5-alpha-reductase, the enzyme responsible for converting testosterone to DHT. Like Pyrilutamide, Finasteride addresses hormonal factors contributing to hair loss. Studies suggest both can be effective, but Pyrilutamide is a newer entrant, and more research is needed to establish its long-term effectiveness compared to the well-documented efficacy of Finasteride.

Pyrilutamide vs. Combination Therapies

  • Effectiveness: Some individuals opt for combination therapies, such as using Minoxidil alongside Finasteride. This approach combines the benefits of promoting blood flow (Minoxidil) with hormonal regulation (Finasteride). Pyrilutamide's dual action on hormonal modulation and potential anti-inflammatory effects positions it as a candidate for those seeking a multifaceted approach in a single treatment.

While effectiveness is a very important factor, individual responses can vary. What works for one person may not yield the same results for another. Moreover, the choice between treatments often involves considering not only efficacy but also factors like convenience, side effects, and individual preferences.

Side Effects

The most recent clinical trial results for Pyrilutamide have reaffirmed its positive safety profile, indicating a lack of serious adverse reactions associated with Kintor's hair loss drug. Users in the trial reported only mild side effects, which were primarily related to skin-related issues such as itching, dryness, redness, irritation, and contact dermatitis.

These safety findings align with the results from the earlier Phase I/Ib clinical trial for Pyrilutamide, where all reported side effects were linked to contact dermatitis. It remains uncertain whether this side effect is attributed to the drug itself or to the solution used to deliver the drug, a common challenge with other topical medications like liquid minoxidil.

Despite being an androgen receptor blocker, Pyrilutamide carries the potential for fewer severe side effects compared to oral medications like finasteride and dutasteride. The seriousness of systemic side effects with these oral drugs is often associated with their accumulation in the bloodstream. 

The phase II clinical trial for Pyrilutamide demonstrated that the daily repeated application of this topical medication did not lead to the same type of accumulation in the bloodstream, suggesting that similar systemic side effects are unlikely even with long-term use.

Usage Instructions

Based on data from clinical trials, here are general guidelines on how to use Pyrilutamide:

Dosage and Frequency:

  • For Female Androgenetic Alopecia (AGA): Apply Pyrilutamide 0.5% solution once daily.
  • For Male Androgenetic Alopecia (AGA): Apply Pyrilutamide 0.5% solution twice daily.

Application Method:

  • Cleanse the Scalp: Gently wash your hair and pat it dry before applying Pyrilutamide.
  • Apply the Solution: Using the provided applicator or your fingertips, apply the Pyrilutamide solution directly to the affected areas of the scalp.
  • Spread Evenly: Massage the solution into the scalp to ensure even distribution. This aids in absorption and allows the active ingredients to reach the hair follicles.
  • Avoid Excess: While it may be tempting to use more solution, stick to the recommended dosage. Excess application does not necessarily lead to better results and may increase the risk of side effects.

Tips and Precautions:

  • Consistency is Key: To maximize the benefits of Pyrilutamide, use it consistently as directed. Skipping applications may compromise its effectiveness.
  • Patience is a Virtue: Hair growth takes time, and results may not be immediate. Be patient and continue the treatment as advised by your healthcare professional.
  • Consultation with a Professional: Before starting any new treatment regimen, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional. They can provide personalized guidance based on your specific needs and medical history.
  • Monitor for Side Effects: Keep an eye out for any unusual reactions or side effects. If you experience persistent or severe issues, consult your healthcare provider promptly.
  • Avoid Contact with Eyes: When applying Pyrilutamide, take care to avoid contact with your eyes. If accidental contact occurs, rinse thoroughly with water.

Note: these usage instructions serve as a general guideline, but individual responses may vary. It's crucial to follow the recommendations provided by your healthcare professional and adhere to the instructions on the product label.


If you're thinking about trying Pyrilutamide, stick to the plan. Use it as advised, be patient, and don't expect miracles overnight. Consistency is key, and don't forget to consult with the experts – your healthcare professionals – before diving in.

Pyrilutamide is not the be-all and end-all, but it's certainly a contender worth considering. You can explore its availability through MV Supplement. We deliver it across Europe, making it convenient for those seeking a potential solution to hair loss. For more information or to make a purchase, visit our store now!

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