
RU58841 vs. Pyrilutamide: Which One is Right for You?

RU58841 vs. Pyrilutamide: Which One is Right for You?

Losing hair is a common concern, and if you're shedding more than 100 hairs a day, it's considered a notable issue. Around 85% of men and 33% of women may experience hair loss at some point. Male pattern baldness, which starts early in life, is the leading cause in 95% of cases. While genetics play a big role, factors like diet, stress, lifestyle, and illness also matter.

Alopecia Areata, a condition causing bald patches, affects two out of every 1,000 people in the UK. Male hair loss is more common in certain regions. Besides the physical impact, hair loss can affect relationships and careers. For instance, 40% of women with alopecia face marriage issues, and 63% report work-related impacts.

To tackle this issue, there's a growing interest in certain chemicals like RU58841 and Pyrilutamide, which claim to help with hair loss. This blog post is here to break down these two compounds, compare them, and provide you with the information you need. Our goal is to help you make decisions about what might work best for you in dealing with hair loss. 

Common Causes of Hair Loss

Hair loss can happen for various reasons, and it's essential to know the common culprits. Some of the usual suspects include:

  • Genetics (Heredity): If your parents or close family members experienced hair loss, there's a chance you might too.
  • Hormonal Changes: Shifts in hormones, such as during pregnancy or menopause, can impact hair growth cycles.
  • Medical Conditions: Certain health conditions, like thyroid problems or autoimmune diseases, may contribute to hair loss.
  • Medications and Treatments: Some drugs and medical treatments, such as chemotherapy, can lead to hair loss as a side effect.
  • Stress and Diet: Emotional stress and poor nutrition can affect your overall health, including the health of your hair.

Importance of Effective and Safe Solutions

Hair loss can impact your confidence and well-being. That's why finding solutions that are both effective and safe is essential. Here's why:

  • Physical and Emotional Well-being: Hair loss can affect how you perceive yourself and how others see you. Finding a solution that works contributes to both physical and emotional well-being.
  • Avoiding Unwanted Side Effects: Some treatments may come with side effects that outweigh the benefits. Choosing safe solutions minimizes the risk of additional health issues.
  • Long-Term Results: Effective solutions not only address the immediate problem but also provide long-term results. It's about finding a balance between quick fixes and sustainable solutions.

What is RU58841?

RU58841 is a compound created in the early 1970s by French scientists initially intended for treating prostate cancer. However, it proved ineffective for that purpose during early trials. Surprisingly, male subjects in these trials reported increased hair growth in areas where RU58841 cream was applied. Some even began using it on their heads, noting its effectiveness in stimulating hair growth. Following this discovery, a company named ProStraken acquired the rights to the chemical and renamed it PSK3841.

Despite initial plans for human trials and a potential commercial launch by 2010, there is no evidence that these plans materialized. ProStraken still owns the rights to RU58841, but there has been no further publicized research or development, and information about its progress has become scarce. Despite promising potential observed in earlier studies, RU58841 has not undergone full Phase III human clinical trials as a hair loss treatment, and its current status remains uncertain.

Since then, no direct human studies have been conducted or published for over a decade, and the FDA has not approved RU58841 for the management of any condition. Some studies on monkeys suggested positive results, such as increased hair growth compared to finasteride, but without recent human studies, its safety and efficacy remain uncertain.

RU58841 Effectiveness Study 

This study aimed to explore the effectiveness of RU58841 in promoting hair regrowth. They conducted experiments using scalp samples from balding men transplanted onto female nude mice, creating a model for hair loss. All mice received testosterone to mimic conditions related to hair loss. The scalp samples were divided into two groups—one treated with RU58841 and the other with a control solution (ethanol).

Key Findings

After 8 months, the group treated with RU58841 showed more promising results. In the control group treated with ethanol, only 7% of active follicles started a second hair cycle out of 28. In contrast, the RU58841-treated group had 28% of active follicles showing a second cycle out of 29. Additionally, the linear hair growth rates (LHGR) were notably higher in the RU58841-treated group.

Implications and Potential

These findings suggest a positive connection between RU58841 and human hair growth in this specific model. The observed follicle recycling and increased LHGR provide encouraging evidence for RU58841's potential in treating hair loss.

RU58841 appears promising as a solution for hair regrowth. However, further research through clinical trials is necessary to fully evaluate its effectiveness and safety for treating hair loss. These results offer hope for individuals dealing with the challenges of hair loss.

What is Pyrilutamide?

Pyrilutamide, also referred to as KX-826, is a topical medication developed by Kintor Pharmaceutical Limited. It acts as an androgen receptor-blocking drug and is being studied for its potential in treating pattern hair loss, specifically androgenetic alopecia.

The drug has completed phase II clinical trials in men and is currently undergoing further trials for both men and women in China, as well as men in the United States. Apart from its application in treating hair loss, Kintor is also exploring pyrilutamide as a treatment for acne vulgaris. While the acne treatment is in the early, preclinical stage in the United States, it has already entered phase II clinical trials in China.

The development of pyrilutamide for hair loss treatment is an ongoing process, with clinical trials aiming to establish its effectiveness and safety. If successful, these trials may lead to increased accessibility and potential approval by the FDA.

Currently, available treatments for improving hair thickness and growth in androgenetic alopecia patients are somewhat limited. The only FDA-approved drugs for male androgenetic alopecia are topical minoxidil and oral finasteride. For female pattern hair loss, only topical minoxidil is FDA-approved. However, these drugs have limitations and side effects. Hair transplantation is effective but can be costly.

Pyrilutamide works by acting against a hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is linked to hair loss. It blocks DHT from affecting hair follicles, preventing the miniaturization of hair and eventual loss.

Unlike other medications like finasteride and dutasteride, which work by reducing the production of DHT, pyrilutamide is a topical treatment applied directly to the scalp. According to clinical trials, it doesn't decrease overall hormone levels in the body, reducing the chances of side effects like decreased libido and erectile dysfunction that are often seen with other medications.

While these findings are based on the company's studies, more research is needed to fully understand how safe and effective pyrilutamide is, especially in comparison to other treatments like topical finasteride. If proven effective and safe, pyrilutamide could become another approved option for treating hair loss.

Pyrilutamide in the Treatment of Hair Loss | Study

Recent clinical studies exploring Pyrilutamide's efficacy in addressing hair loss, particularly in cases of androgenetic alopecia, have presented promising outcomes. Here's an overview of key findings from conducted trials:

Phase-1 Clinical Trial

A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase-1 clinical trial involved 40 healthy adult males with androgenetic alopecia in the US. The trial aimed to evaluate the safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics of topical Pyrilutamide at varying dose levels (3mg, 12mg, 48mg, and 96mg). Results indicated consistently low blood concentrations of Pyrilutamide, and no severe adverse drug events were reported, indicating favorable safety parameters.

Phase-2 Clinical Trials in China

The initial phase-2 clinical trial in China, a multi-regional randomized placebo-controlled study with 120 male subjects, showed significant improvement in total area hair count after six months of treatment with a 0.5% Pyrilutamide solution applied twice a day. This positive outcome led to the selection of the 0.5% Pyrilutamide solution for the subsequent phase-3 clinical trial.

Phase-2 Clinical Trial in the USA

A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase-2 trial in the USA, involving 123 male patients with male pattern alopecia, assessed different dosage groups. The study reported a substantial increase in the target area hair count, particularly with the 0.5% twice-daily regimen, deemed statistically and clinically meaningful.

Female Pattern Hair Loss Study

Kintor is currently conducting clinical trials for female androgenetic alopecia in China. The phase II trial, completed in March 2022 with 160 women, involved four treatment groups, assessing different concentrations and application frequencies of Pyrilutamide. Notably, applying 0.5% Pyrilutamide once a day resulted in the most significant improvements in hair growth, with noticeable results by week 12. No serious adverse events were reported during the trial.

Phase III Clinical Trials

Based on these findings, Kintor plans to proceed with phase III clinical trials, focusing on the once-a-day 0.5% dose of KX-826 for women with pattern hair loss. The ongoing phase III safety study for female participants may or may not specifically assess this particular dose of KX-826.

European pyrilutamide

RU58841 vs. Pyrilutamide

RU58841 and Pyrilutamide, both considered as anti-hair loss treatments, work by blocking certain hormones that contribute to hair thinning and loss. They share the goal of preventing the harmful effects of these hormones on hair follicles.

Effectiveness and Efficacy

People who use RU58841 often notice less hair shedding and thicker hair after a few months. Few studies show the high effectiveness of this solution. However, further research is needed to prove its full potential. On the other hand, Pyrilutamide lacks enough user feedback and scientific evidence to definitively say how well it works. Some users report positive changes, but more research is needed for a clear understanding.

Safety Profile

RU58841 users have reported concerns like irritation and itchiness, and its long-term safety is still being discussed. Pyrilutamide, being newer, doesn't have much safety data yet. It's important to be cautious until more information is available through thorough studies.

Availability and Accessibility

RU58841 is available online, but its legality and regulation vary by location. Users should be careful about where they get it. Pyrilutamide's availability is also inconsistent, and being newer, it might be less accessible compared to established treatments. You can order authrntic RU58841 solution from our store MixPerfume. We encourage lab testing it to ensure its authenticity.

User Experiences

People's experiences with RU58841 vary. Most people see positive results, while others don't notice much change. With Pyrilutamide, there aren't enough user stories to draw strong conclusions. More experiences and research are needed to understand how effective it really is.

Comparing RU58841 and Pyrilutamide shows that both aim to tackle hair loss by targeting hormones. However, differences in user experiences, effectiveness, and safety profiles suggest the need for careful consideration. It's important for users to talk to healthcare professionals, stay informed about regulations, and pay attention to how their bodies respond. 


In deciding between RU58841 and Pyrilutamide for managing hair loss, the choice comes down to what suits your needs. It depends on your comfort, expectations, and lifestyle. If you prefer something more established with reported outcomes, RU58841 might be a good choice. On the other hand, if you're open to new possibilities and willing to wait for more data, Pyrilutamide could be considered.

Before starting any treatment, it’s important to consult healthcare professionals. They can help make a solution based on your health, potential risks, and goals.

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